Beauty we admire,

stories that inspire.

Changing the world,

one cause at a time

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Duis condimentum urna ac eros mollis, ed a velit ed a

et luctus velit pretium. Sed a velit leo  pretium. Sed a..

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Challenges make us resilient

The Bare Necessities.

Survival Instincts

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Urban permaculture , Self reliability & adaptibility, food security

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Wildlife Conservation.

Animals extinct protection

Illegal Poaching, tracking, macaws, tigers from extinction, 

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Habitat Restoration.

Oil spills + Deforestation


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Health & Wellness.

Autism & medical needs

Need drs

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Art & Culture.

Restoring ancient traditions

Proin efficitur fringilla mauris quis fringilla. Nam imperdiet dictum sagittis.

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It starts with the cxhildren, Orphans, children's learning centers

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Bio Energy

Cleaning up waste

Bio mass and fuel, pollution imperdiet dictum sagi.


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Automation & Technology

Integrating technology with nature


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Climate Change

oh boy

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Historic Preservation

Restoring historical sites turning them into paradise


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Partnership Opportunities.

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